Wednesday, 5 September 2012


(Part One)
It's time to reconsider the very serious accusation that Lee H. Oswald shot at General Edwin Walker seven months before the Kennedy assassination. This accusation is based on very tenuous evidence. The media itself presents the matter as a FACT, consistently using the statements of General Edwin Walker himself as if the General's statements constituted an eyewitness statement, when it is well known that Walker never saw who shot at him.

A Shot In The Dark

On the evening of Wednesday, April 10, 1963, someone fired a shot through the window of Walker’s residence at 4011 Turtle Creek Boulevard in Dallas, Texas. Walker was neither hit nor seriously injured as the bullet narrowly missed him. He described it thusly:
“I was sitting behind my desk. It was right at 9 o'clock, and most of the lights were on in the house and the shades were up. I was sitting down behind a desk facing out from a corner, with my head over a pencil and paper working on my income tax when I heard a blast and a crack right over my head…The bullet went through the screen frame. Then it went through a portion of the window frame and a portion of the glass”.
Per Dallas Detective, D.E. McElroy;
"Whoever shot at the general was playing for keeps. The sniper wasn't trying to scare him. He was shooting to kill."
Robert Alan Surrey, a friend and frequent house guest of Walker's, told the police that on Monday April 8th, when he was at the house he saw two men peeking in the windows. Walter "Kirk" Coleman, a neighbor added he heard the gunshot, looked out his window and saw two men depart the church parking lot next to Walker's house in two separate automobiles. A police report was filed but no one was ever arrested.

Read more at Suite101: Beating the Bushes: Hunting Ted Walker 1963 |

Fundamentally, the government presented Walker as a witness anyway, and the media keeps the lie alive. Take Wikipedia, for example: "From the period of the JFK assassination forward, General Walker wrote and spoke publicly about his belief that the same assassin who killed JFK also shot at him.
The Warren Commission wrote: Commission Finding.--"In their investigation of the attack on General Walker, the Dallas police uncovered no suspects and planned no arrests. The FBI had no knowledge that Oswald was responsible for the attack until Marina Oswald revealed the information on December 3, 1963." 
(We will discuss why Marina Oswald was not a very good witness in Part Two).
      Researcher Shanet Clark offers a common opinion among those who have studied the case thoroughly:  "Edwin Walker's event was a put-on to help frame up the patsy.
If one of the unmarked Mannlichers could fire into the house, the guy would be a lone nut gunman after the fact. Siewell's car was there at some point, and that had to be excised, and people saw other people, not Oswald, that night, etc. It looks more like a set up than an actual murder attempt." Ref:

Another researcher, Jim Root, in the same discussion, mentions a German newspaper that had interviewed Walker a few days after the assassination. At this time, Walker began telling the world that Lee Oswald shot at him, though he never mentioned anything of the sort for the seven months that had passed since the shooting. One has to ask: why did Walker think it was Oswald who shot at him, when he is on record as having seen nobody, when shot at? Root supplies some speculations:

"Walker is totally unaware of who Oswald is until after the assassination when he recognizes his picture on television as one of hundreds of people that Walker has passed information to at airports, train stations and parks during his work in military intelligence. Believing that he may, in fact, be set up as a fall guy for the assassination because of his association with Oswald or because he knows (because of contact with Oswald) that Oswald is an agent of some sort, Walker is in fear for his own life. Walker recognizes that his work within the "right wing" will make him a suspect in the assassination conspiracy investigation. In panic he makes contact with a German newspaper that prints, based on an interview with General Walker, a story about Oswald shooting at Walker.

The German newpaper/Walker assassination attempt story is another thing that must, by necessity, now be folded into the assassination story that is being fabricated by the Warren Commission. It is, in this senario, the single most important story that cannot be believed and must be lost to history! Otherwise someone might look into Walker's military record and might discover that his connections bring the assassination to close to to many important people."

The discussion continues (misspellings corrected):
ROOT writes: "On the 29th of November 1963 the Deutsche National und Soldaten-Zeitung published an article that accused Lee Harvey Oswald of having been the person who had shot at General Edwin A. Walker on April 10, 1963.  When Walker was questioned by Mr. Liebeler of the Warren Commission on July 23, 1964 he was asked about a phone call he received at the Captain Shreve Hotel in Shreveport, Louisiana on November 23, 1963 at about 7:00 a.m.

Mr. Liebeler: "Did you talk to him on a transatlantic telephone call in which you told him about the alleged fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who made an attempt on your life?"

Gen. Walker: "I don't recall that name. Did he speak English? I don't speak German."

Needless to say, the Testimony of Edwin A. Walker is interesting to say the least, perhaps misleading for a purpose.  I find it interesting that the same day this article appeared in Germany the Warren Commission was established. (And that the information in the article mirrors the Warren Reports conclusions dealing with the Walker shooting)

The FBI did not suspect the connection between the Walker shooting and the Kennedy assassination until "the weekend of November 30, 1963." (CE 2524) The FBI interviewed Marina Oswald about her husband's invovement in the attempt to assassinate General Walker on December 2, 1963. (CE 2545)

How did Hasso Thorsten know that Edwin Walker would be at the Captain Shreve Hotel at 7:00 a.m. on the morning of Nov 24th and from whom did Mr. Thorsten get the telephone number of the hotel that Walker was staying in? 

Walker lived in Dallas, Texas and had been traveling around the country on speaking engagements. He, to my knowledge, had no plans to speak in Shreveport on the two days that he stayed there (Nights of Nov. 23 and 24).

Is it possible that Walker, after seeing Oswald's picture on the television news, recognized him? How would Walker, an outspoken critic of Kennedy, react to the assassination if he did in fact recognize Oswald?

Beginning in 1951, while Warren Commissioner John J. McCloy was the High Commissioner for Germany, till 1959, this same German paper had been published under the name, Die Deutsche Soldaten-Zeitung. The creation of this publication in 1951 was reportedly funded by the CIA."


"Walker did another interview with a Canadian paper in the days after Oswald was shot and no mention of the attempt on his life or the connection between the two was made. The only thing that I see that changed was that Oswald was now dead and dead men tell no tales (Walker mentions something to that effect in his testimony before the Warren Commission).

While this may sound a little odd, check out when Walker took command of the 24th Infantry Division, October of 1959. He left Little Rock, Arkansas and traveled to Germany early in October. Was he perhaps on a flight out of London on the 9th or even at the airport in London. Just a strange coincidence of timing I guess.

The connection of Frey to a CIA financed newpaper (created while McCloy was High Commissioner of Germany and a person who pardoned many Nazi's during his tenure as High Commissioner) and Gehlen makes Walker's story, if initiated by Walker all the more intriguing, but only if Walker would have some connection to the CIA or some sort of covert opps (like running the Greek desk at the Pentagon during the Greek Civil War) that would put a person like him in contact with a person like Oswald.

If the question about who initiated the call and why could be answered it would be very helpful to me. Perhaps also, who made the connection that (according to Thorsten and the Warren Commission) Oswald had shot at Walker?"

Researcher David Boylan then spoke up:

"There's an aquaintence that they all have in common - Robert Morris. When Schmidt went to Dallas, one of the first people he met up with was Morris. When Walker needed a lawyer, he called Morris. After Loran Hall was arrested, he called Morris. When Hall needed an intro to the "oil men" he called Morris."

The formidable mental powers of Charles Dragoo were then roused, and he inserted these comments, since someone had brought up the NOW DISCREDITED bullet analysis matter that was once thought to have linked the Walker bullet to the Magic Bullet (a bullet in almost pristine condition that was "found" on a stretcher belonging to a youth in a hallway near Connally's and Kennedy's stretchers!):

"In the late 90's, fully in command of my faculties, I co-sponsored with junk scientist Ken Rahn and the fools in the University of Rhode Island's Political Science Department (who allowed him to present propaganda as instruction in the methods and philosophy of science) a JFK research conference in Providence.

Rahn began his presentation with the promise that it would, once and for all, demonstrate the viability of NAA in general and Guinn's process in particular, and thus demonstrate beyond refutation that LHO fired all the shots at the motorcade and acted alone.
When Rahn concluded, the first questioner to rise was Stewart Galanor, mathematician and author of "Cover-up." Stewart, in his typically understated and concise manner, eviscerated the just presented "science" to the degree that Rahn, shaken and pale, was forced to rise and say, "What I just shared is merely a work in progress."

"'Work in progress,' Dr. Rahn?" Stewart responded. "But you began your presentation by telling us that it was 'definitive.' What happened?" (I'm paraphrasing from memory, but the session was recorded, so bring it on if you so desire)  Stewart then demanded that Rahn produce his oft-referenced bench notes. "They're in my other brief case, at home" the junk scientist offered.

Stewart than reminded one and all that once before, in the wake of a Rahn smoke-and-mirrors show, he had asked after the not-so-good doctor's notes, only to receive the same evasive reply. Through it all, the semi-comatose chair of the Poly Sci Department silently demonstrated the thousand-yard stare.

Yes, it was all b.s. From Day One.  Yet -- and here's the point of this stroll down Memory Lane -- it took the imprimatur of the ultimate false authority, the parent state (in this instance in the form of an FBI conclusion) to render acceptable that which had been scientifically demonstrated decades before (see, for instance, Evica's "No More Magic Bullet").

Is there not a lesson to be learned here?

An aside: In a fascinating variation on the Helsinki Syndrome, Rahn's intellectual hostages -- his students -- were the first to defend his excreble performance, one of them going so far as to hold up a copy of the Warren Report and refer to it as "the Bible."

This was the same young victim who wrote a paper for Rahn's class in the scientific method -- for which I believe he received an "A" -- in which he argued that the observations of Parkland physicians were of little value because, based upon analysis of emergency room docs across the nation, gunshot wounds were too often grossly misidentified in terms of entrance, exit, and other significant characteristics due to the physicians' unfamiliarity with that sort of trauma.

"But aren't the on-duty Parkland doctors' skills and track records the only relevant data base in this case? Doctors with vast experience in gunshot wounds?" I asked.


The case against LHO is non-existent."



  "Two new tidbits of information that I have heard, seen or read in the past 72 hours while visiting the 6th Floor Museum.

1. The bullet recovered from Walker's home was called "steel" jacketed in the Walker incident police report. The bullets used in the Kennedy assassination were Copper.

2. The angle from which the bullet seems to have entered Walker's home does not appear to have been a straight shot: Window, past Walker, into wall directly accross from window. Instead you have window, Walker, then into a wall that is adjacent to the exterior wall where the window was. This means the angle from which the shot was taken was much more difficult that what I had previously thought.

I had the opportunity to see some news reel movies of the site taken the night of and the next day as the Walker incident happened (April 10 and 11, 1963). And yes Walker did show his wounds to the camaras the day after the incident occurred."

Jim Root

Researcher Don Jeffries put the subject temporarily to bed with this comment:

"As has been pointed out before over the years, JFK and Walker were political enemies and thus it is very unlikely that the same assassin would try to kill them both. It astonishes me that any JFK assassination researcher places the least bit of credibility in the ridiculous testimony of Marina Oswald. Didn't she claim that Lee had thrown the rifle in some bushes, to avoid being seen walking back home with it? Okay....he must have had to retrieve the rifle at some point, so wasn't he worried about carrying it in public then? Why didn't he just disassemble it and do his famous curtain rods bit? But then again, we must accept that the mannicher carcano did indeed belong to Oswald in order to begin to believe this story. I don't think it has been proven at all that the rifle did belong to Oswald, and I certainly don't place any credence in the fanciful and forced testimony of his understandably frightened wife."

Marina Oswald has now told us that she was threatened with deportation. What would have happened to her American-born baby?  Here we see her being interrogated by four men. (were any women present at any time? She was a nursing mother, by the way, with a six-week-old baby.
Lee Oswald himself had Walker's NAME and PHONE NUMBER in his address book. But he also had the name and phone number of FBI agent James Hosty in his address book.  We cannot know what Lee thought of anyone simply through a name or phone number.  Here is what Lee wrote about General Walker  

"On July 27, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, at the behest of his cousin, Eugene Murret, would deliver a speech to the seminarians at the Jesuit House of Studies, Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama. JHS scholastic Robert J. Fitzpatrick quoted Oswald as follows;
“Americans are apt to scoff at the idea that a military coup in the U.S., as so often happens in Latin American countries, could ever replace our government. But that is an idea that has grounds for consideration…The case of General Walker shows that the Army, at least, is not fertile enough ground for a Far Right regime to go a very long way”. [Oswald Quote ref: [FBI DL 100-10,461 WRH/gm]]

In JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, Jim Douglas stated the following about Oswald’s speech and his mentions of Walker:

“Oswald was familiar with the case of General Edwin Walker, an army general relieved of his command by the Kennedy administration for indoctrinating his troops with an anti-communist program of speeches and literature. After he was admonished for propagandizing his soldiers, [and sent to a mental hospital by Bobby Kennedy...note by JVB], Walker resigned from the army and retired to Dallas, where he became a leader in the anti-communist John Birch Society…In his speech notes, Oswald dismissed the danger of an army coup led by a demagogue such as Walker as being too unwieldy." 

We believe Lee was dedicated to saving Kennedy from the likes of Walker and his plotting associates.  Lee successfully infiltrated an assassination ring in New Orleans, then in Dallas, and eventually garnered enough information, we believe, to save Kennedy in Chicago. As can be read in ME & LEE: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee harvey Oswald, Lee told me, Judyth Vary Baker, that he had saved Kennedy's life in a different city and hoped to do the same in Dallas, and to that end was being joined by an "abort team."  

According to the statements of Abraham Bolden in his book THE ECHO FROM DEALEY PLAZA and the material in James Douglass' book JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE, an informant named "LEE' contacted the FBI barely in time to save Kennedy's life: armed men were arrested in Chicago. Dr. Mary Sherman had important contacts, having lived most of her life in the Chicago area (see Edward T. Haslam's book, DR. MARY'S MONKEY, for more information about Mary Sherman, Lee Oswald and Judyth Baker in Haslam's book.).




Information about Lee Harvey Oswald and my book, Me & Lee.

Nigel Turner

Nigel Turner
His business card shows a knight in armor on a charging warhorse....